ESC Programming: Brake Strength
ESC Programming: Brake strength adjusts the amount of trigger brake the ESC will apply to the motor. There are 1-13 steps available using the onboard QuickTune system […]
ESC Programming: Brake strength adjusts the amount of trigger brake the ESC will apply to the motor. There are 1-13 steps available using the onboard QuickTune system […]
Drag Brake also known as coast brake or auto brake is braking power applied by the ESC anytime the ESC sees a valid neutral signal from the transmitter. The higher the value, the more drag brake is applied. You can adjust Drag Brake with the onboard QuickTune … Continue reading
We’ve gone nitro! I decided to finally after two and a half decades get into the fuel-burning side of RC. I have always liked nitro and watching the nitro mains is exciting for sure, dare I say a little more so than watching triple A Electric mains. Both are fun, …
REDS Racing is glad to announce that our new REDS VX3 540 STOCK PRO Sensored Brushless Motors are now available. REDS NEW VX3 540 STOCK…
Setting the trim on any RC car is crucial but perhaps even more critical is for the trim to remain consistent throughout a race […]
The ONLY Speed Control Designed and Built by Drag racers for Drag racers In collaboration with Tim Smith, this DRK 160+ TSR Edition has evolved with a lot of improvement over its predecessor. It is the only ESC that was designed and built by drag racers for drag racers. This DRK 160+ ESC has the… Read more »
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